Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 14: Feedback for Learning

What is it? How do I give it to my students? This is the most important part of my day, providing quality feedback that inspires experimentation, diligence, and improvement. I give my students three kinds of feedback.

Self-assessment feedback. "You know you're on the right track if you see...." Or, "Great projects feature these three things..." Or, "Here's some examples of other student's projects. What did they do right? What went wrong?" I want them developing a critical eye for their own creative process, they need to hear themselves long after my voice has faded from their days.

Coaching feedback. After highlighting an aspect of the project that many are grappling with, a little shoulder surfing for in-the-moment guidance seems to build confidence. I do it myself, but also have students  follow me, then break off and coach their peers.

In both cases, I try to only work on part of the skill they're building, and tie it to the big picture.

The last piece of feedback is a cumulative assessment of their project and all of its facets. They get that from their peers, and also from me (final rubric).

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