Friday, November 13, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

The cohort experience is… well, intense! Though the courses are bachelor's level, the hours I put into my assignments harkened back to my grad. school days… When I was working toward my MFA, it was not unusual to go to the studio just before dawn and leave under cover of dark hours later. Back then it was exciting! All that creativity! All that adrenaline! …aaalllllll that coffeeeee.

For the Fabric of Man
Knowledge is the measurable, accurate, sharp needle. Experience the long silken thread. But it's Creativity that threads the eye and gets the sewing done.

Driving to school in an old beater, hoping the Philly cops didn't boot your ride while'st you were in the studio, chatting with that cute guy in Book Arts—ah, the good old days! It was gritty and real and really… young. Now I get my own kids off to school, then go to campus in my minivan. And the cute guys still turn to check me out!—They're squinting to see if I'm their Mom, and if so, did I remember to bring the clean laundry? Or maybe a pot roast?

I still get that same charge—that electric feeling of really learning and growing—but someone's got to do the laundry, someone's got to keep up the house, and tend to its various occupants, 2-legged & 4. Those all-nighter's are the same intense creative sessions, but who's that dumpy woman in the mirror in the morning?! Bags under her eyes and grey hair sprouting here & there.

I'm at the end of my program—soon I'll get my certification and, more importantly, a teaching job! Was it worth allllll the hours? Yes, I've learned volumes! Drive, you've got to come with. Subject matter expertise & interest, you must provide. DelVal will give you the tools of the teacher trade—strategies for keeping order in class, strategies for engaging young minds, and strategies for shaping instruction into an opportunity for learning & creating for students. I know what I have learned is only the tip of the teaching iceberg, but I have enough to get started and more importantly I have enough to put me in a productive direction to improve myself as a teacher. It is important to know what you know, but my friend, it is ESSENTIAL to know there is so much more to learn, and to embrace that sweet promise. Just do it!

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